Belt Weigher or Belt Scale

For weighing conveyor system material, belt weigher or conveyor belt scale are used. These scale determines the rate at which material travels on a conveyor belt over a specific period of time.

Conveyor Belt Scale or Belt Weigher Working Principle

belt scale or belt weigher

A typical conveyor belt scale or belt weigher system has a weigh bridge structure supported on load cells, an electronic integrator, and a belt speed sensor.

The load cells measure the material weight on the belt, and send a signal to the integrator. The integrator also receives input in the form of electrical pulses from a belt speed sensor. Using these two sources of data, the integrator calculates the rate of material transferred along the belt using the equation:

weight x speed = rate.

Where Should You Install a Conveyor Belt Scale or Belt Weigher?

To attain accurate measurements and minimize any disruption in working processes, it is important to choose a suitable location for the installation of a conveyor belt scale. Below are a few points to help you select the best location for installing a conveyor belt scale:

  • Never install a belt scale near the materials loading point
  • Choose an area with constant belt tension
  • A steep incline is a poor location choice
  • Avoid locations where the conveyor forms a convex or concave curve
  • Consider vibration & weather

Preventive Maintenance of Conveyor Belt Scale or Belt Weigher

Work involved during preventive maintenance of belt scale or belt weigher:

  1. Cleaning of integrator using a mild cleaner and soft rag.
  2. The load cell assemblies, speed sensor, and angle are washed with low pressure water and mild soap.
  3. Inspection of scale components for damages.
  4. Cables inspection for pinches or breaks.
  5. Load cells visually checking for material build -up.
  6. Speed sensor wheel sound checking for wear.
  7. Correction of identified problems.


Types and working of load cell

Working of weigh bridge or truck scale

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